Recently, an all-time impressive direct selling industry conference was successfully held in Manila IMAX
Conference Center in celebration of the one-year anniversary of Longrich subsidiary in the Philippines.
Mr. Zhiwei Xu (Chairman of Longrich), MS. Gong Lijun (marketing leader) and her daughter, together with
some other 3,000 Longrich family members attended the conference. Mr. Xu highly praised the team
headed by Ms. Gong and Alanx (Longrich special consultant on overseas marketing) for their relentless
efforts to develop the Southeast Asian market and Africa.
Mr. Xu expressed his sincere thanks to all Philippine family members for their warm hospitality and also
displayed his great affection for the Philippine soil. Mr.Xu talked about Longrich 28-year history and future
global growth plan and he made a commitment to all those in attendance that Longrich would work hard
as always on direct selling in the Philippines forever. He added that Longrich would use Philippine market
as a stepping stone to establish its presence across the globe through the agency of Philippine family members.
He hoped that Philippine family members would continue to select and trust Longrich.
Both Ms.Gong Lijun and Alanx gave
significant speeches, painted a rosy picture of Philippine market and
their heartfelt thanks to the marketing elite for their unswerving loyalty
to Longrich. The great
was packed with songs and dancing by the Philippine family members so to
express their
for being a part of Longrich global entity. Philippine market elite Gomas,
Baby, Maica and Rich
all gave
to the meeting an emotional account of their hard effort to break into the
Philippine market. Despite
blood, sweat and tears, they have felt a strong sense of achievement and
ever-growing love for Longrich
hoped to bring even more people join and share Longrich
success and participate in the wellness of
more families.
The celebration was climaxed with a story shared by Bambai’s wife. Bambai is an over-70-year-old local
lawyer, a Longrich family member who was suffering from serious heart disease in his later life. However,
he made miraculous recovery after consuming Longrich eaten-raw food. The anniversary celebration has
boosted the morale and confidence of all Longrich family members across the globe. Under the leadership
of Ms. Gong, marketing elites will go all out to develop overseas market, avail themselves of this opportunity
to deploy all marketing resources available in the Philippines and the Southeast Asia as a whole, and make
Longrich overseas business bigger and stronger.